Impact of COVID-19 on Travel Behaviour and Public Transport Usage

This research consists in a transcontinental analysis of the impacts that have been occurring on urban travel patterns since the arrival of the pandemic. Starting in April 2020, we have been documenting how the urban trips have changed in accordance with the proliferation of the COVID-19, the mobility restrictions imposed by governments to counter it, and the transport policies implemented in the cities studied. This research aims to understand how new mobility patterns are arising, how the attitudes about using public transport are evolving, based on surveys done in Australia, South Africa and seven Latin American countries during 2020 and then, applied every six months again during 2021. In addition, between other innovations, we are studying the role which active modes of transportation are taking. We would like to continue this effort with two additional waves of the surveys to be executed during 2022 and, depending on the evolution of the pandemic, the last at the beginning of 2023, when we are expecting that mobility patterns may converge into a new equilibrium. The relevance of this research resides in that it may give us insights on the characteristics of novel phenomena, such as the mobility effects derived from work-from-home habits, which might change the number of trips and also the time of day the trips are made, which might be translated then into policy recommendations or use for improving our forecasts in this new mobility scenario.

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