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Selected Publications before ALC-BRT CoE
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Latest Publications
Planning and Urban Impacts
Transit Systems Design and Operations
Overviews and Case Studies
Selected Publications before ALC-BRT CoE
Latest Publications
Planning and Urban Impacts
Transit Systems Design and Operations
Overviews and Case Studies
Selected Publications before ALC-BRT CoE
Multimodal pricing and optimal design of public transport services: the interplay between traffic congestion and bus crowding
Tirachini, A., Hensher, D.A., Rose, J.M. (2012)
12th Conference on Advanced Systems for Public Transport. Santiago, Chile, 23-27 July, 2012.
Assessing the diversity of schemes for financing urban access and mobility: in preparation of a comparative study
Viegas, J.M. (2012)
Financing Urban Access – VREF seminar. Bellagio, Italy, 7-11 May, 2012.
The Design of Public Transport Maps – Graphic elements and design operations in the representation of urban navigation systems
Allard, J.M. (2012)
Tesi di Dottorato di Ricerca, Dipartimento INDACO, Scuola del Design, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy.
Metrobús: BRT en la Ciudad de México
Zegras, C. (2012)
Workshop: Transantiago y Metrobús: ¿Cómo lograr la sostenibilidad social?
Effect of Real-Time Transit Information on Dynamic Path Choice of Passengers
Cats, O., Koutsopoulos, H.N., Burghout, W. and Toledo, T. (2011)
Transportation Research Record 2217, 46-54.
An integrated real time transit signal priority control for high frequency transit services
Delgado, F., Muñoz, J.C., Giesen, R. (2011)
International Conference Series on Competition and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport, Thredbo 12. Durban, South Africa, 11 – 15 September 2011.
The complexity of BRT development and implementation
Carrigan, A., Hensher, D., Hidalgo, D., Mulley, C. and Muñoz, J.C. (2011)
In VREF (ed.), 10 Years with the FUT Programme, 114-125.
R-TRESIS: Developing a transport model system for regional New South Wales
Bain, S., Hensher, D.A. and Li. Z. (2011)
Journal of Transport Geography 19, 615-622.
Urban bus services in developing countries and countries in transition: A framework for regulatory and institutional developments
Finn, B. and Mulley, C. (2011)
Journal of Public Transportation 14, 89 - 107.
The value of a promise: housing price impacts of plans to build mass transit in Ecatepec, Mexico
Flores, O. (2011)
Working Paper, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy.
A first glimpse on policy packaging for implementation of BRT projects
Filipe, L. and Macário, R. (2011)
International Conference Series on Competition and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport, Thredbo 12. Durban, South Africa, 11 – 15 September 2011.
Configuration of Innovative Minibus Service in the Lisbon, Portugal, Municipality
Eiró, T., Martínez, L.M., Viegas, J.M. (2011)
Transportation Research Record 2217, 127-135.
Assessing the cost of transfer inconvenience in public transport systems: A case study of the London Underground
Guo, Z. and Wilson, N. (2011)
Transportation Research 45A, 91 - 104.
Transport Economics: An Overview
Hensher, D.A. (2011)
In D.A. Hensher (ed.), Transport Economics: Major Works in Transport Economics, Routledge, Oxford, United Kingdom.
The relationship between bus contract costs, user perceived service quality and performance assessment
Hensher, D.A. (2014)
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation 8(1), 5-27
Valuation of Travel Time Savings in WTP and Preference Space in the Presence of Taste and Scale Heterogeneity
Hensher, D.A. and Greene, W.H. (2011)
Journal of Transport Economics and Policy 45, 505 - 525.
Identifying commuter preferences for existing modes and a proposed metro
Hensher, D.A., Rose, J.M. and Collins, A.T. (2011)
Public Transport: Planning and Operations 3, 109 - 147.
Embedding risk attitude and decisions weights in non-linear logit to accommodate time variability in the value of expected travel time savings
Hensher, D.A., Greene, W.H. and Li, Z. (2011)
Transportation Research 45B, 954 – 972.
A simplified bus contract payment formula
Hensher, D., Mulley, C. and Smith, N. (2011)
International Conference Series on Competition and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport, Thredbo 12. Durban, South Africa, 11 – 15 September 2011.
World wide history of the development of BRT systems: key systems and policy issues related to BRT
Hidalgo, D. (2011)
Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology.
Passenger capacity in BRT systems: formula development and application to the TransMilenio System in Bogota, Colombia
Hidalgo, D., Lleras, G., and Hernandez, E. (2011)
International Conference Series on Competition and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport, Thredbo 12. Durban, South Africa, 11 – 15 September 2011.
Bus Rapid Transit: in permanent evolution
Hidalgo, D. and Muñoz, J.C. (2011)
In VREF (ed.), 10 Years with the FUT Programme, 102-113.
Crowding and public transport: A review of willingness to pay evidence and its relevance in project appraisal
Li, Z. and Hensher, D.A. (2011)
Transport Policy 8, 880 – 887
Designing an express service for a bus corridor in Santiago, Chile
Larrain, H., Munoz, J.C. and Giesen, R. (2011)
International Conference Series on Competition and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport, Thredbo 12. Durban, South Africa, 11 – 15 September 2011.
Impact of design elements on the capacity and speed of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT): the case of a single lane per direction
Lindau, L.A., Medeiros, B., Castilhos, R., Diogenes, M. and Herrera, JC. (2011)
International Conference Series on Competition and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport, Thredbo 12. Durban, South Africa, 11 – 15 September 2011.
Assignment of work shifts to public transit drivers based on stated preferences
Montalva, S., Muñoz, J.C. y Paredes, R. (2011)
Public Transport 2, 199-218.
Thinking on public accountability: How to address quality of policy design and decision-making
Macário, R. (2011)
International Conference Series on Competition and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport, Thredbo 12. Durban, South Africa, 11 – 15 September 2011.
Managing Urban Mobility Systems
Macário, R. (2011)
Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Accessibility: User satisfaction, Authority satisfaction, or Society satisfaction?
Macário, R. and Galelo, A. (2011)
International Conference Series on Competition and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport, Thredbo 12. Durban, South Africa, 11 – 15 September 2011.
Understanding spatial variations in the impact of accessibility on land value using geographically weighted regression
Mulley, C. and Du, H. (2011)
World Symposium on Transport and Land Use Research WSTLUR 2011. Whistler, Canada, 28 - 30 July 2011.
Continuous Mobility Surveys: The State of Practice
Ortúzar, J. de D., Armoogum, J., Madre, J.-L. and Potier, F. (2011)
Transport Reviews 31, 293 – 312
Modelling Transport
Ortúzar, J. de D. and Willumsen, L.G. (2011)
Fourth Edition, John Wiley and Sons, Chichester.
Decentralization as an institutional determinant for the performance of urban mobility systems
Spandou, M. and Macário, R. (2011)
International Conference Series on Competition and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport, Thredbo 12. Durban, South Africa, 11 – 15 September 2011.
A topological route choice model for metro
Raveau, S., Muñoz, J.C. and De Grange, L. (2011)
Transportation Research 45A, 138 - 147.
Social exclusion and the value of mobility
Stanley, J.K., Hensher, D.A., Stanley, J.R., Currie, G., Greene, W.H. and Vella-Brodrick, D. (2011)
Journal of Transport Economics and Policy 45, 197-222.
Bus dwell time: The effect of different fare collection systems, bus floor level and age of passengers
Tirachini, A. (2011)
Transportmetrica 9A(1), 28-49
Mobility, social exclusion and well-being: Exploring the links
Stanley, J.K., Hensher, D.A., Stanley, J.R. and Vella-Brodrick, D. (2011)
Transportation Research 45A, 789 - 801.
Road transport and climate change: stepping off the greenhouse gas
Stanley, J.K., Hensher, D., and Loader, C.
Transportation Research 45A, 1020-1030.
Bus congestion, optimal infrastructure investment and the choice of a fare collection system in dedicated bus corridors
Tirachini, A. and Hensher, D.A. (2011)
Transportation Research 45B, 828 – 844.
Assessing Gaps on Training and Education for BRT Systems
Veras, T. and Macário, R. (2011)
International Conference Series on Competition and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport, Thredbo 12. Durban, South Africa, 11 – 15 September 2011.
Assessing net effect on emissions of implementation of Bus Rapid Transit system in São Paulo, Brazil: case study and some hypothetical scenarios
Castro, C. F. C. and Strambi, O. (2010)
Transportation Research Board 89th Annual Meeting. Washington, USA, 10-14 January, 2010.
Evaluation of pedestrian safety at midblock crossings, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Diógenes, M. C. and Lindau, L.A. (2010)
Transportation Research Record 2193, 37-43.
Implementing BRT: From Vision to Reality
Flores, O. (2010)
Volvo Research and Educational Foundations (VREF) Center of Excellence Workshop. Nairobi, Kenya, 15 December 2010.
Does the political and economic context influence the success of a transport project? An analysis of transport public-private partnerships
Galilea, P. and Medda, F. (2010)
Research in Transportation Economics 30, 102-109.
Incompleteness and clarity in bus contracts: identifying the nature of the ex ante and ex post perceptual divide
Hensher, D.A. (2010)
Research in Transportation Economics 29, 106-117
The dimensionality of performance frameworks and performance measurement for bus rapid transit systems
Hensher, D.A. and Mulley, C. (2010)
Working paper, Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies, The University of Sydney
Passenger experience with quality-enhanced bus service: the tyne and wear ‘superoute’ services
Hensher, D., Mulley, C. and Yahya, N. (2010)
Transportation 37, 239-256
Contracting regimes for bus services: What have we learnt after 20 years?
Hensher, D.A. and Stanley, J.K. (2010)
Research in Transportation Economics 29, 140-144
Scoping post 2012 climate instruments: nationally appropriate mitigation actions – NAMAs – Case Study on opportunities in Brazilian Cities – Belo Horizonte
Hidalgo, D. (2010)
Latin American Carbon Forum. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, 13-15 October 2010.
BRT in Latin America – High capacity and performance, rapid implementation, low cost
Hidalgo, D. (2010)
Built Environment 36, 283-297