U. of Sydney ITLS: Shining the spotlight on our MaaS research with Yale Wong

Yale Wong, a doctaral candidate from one of the BRT+ Centre member’s institutions showcased a video on MaaS: Mobility as a Service.   Yale was selected as ‘smart mobility expert’ in this extended interview.   Also, he will be presenting on iMOVE on March 27th on the theme: Digital public transport in an era of shared and […]

New video on Empowering Women through Improved Access

Originally published on: http://www.slocat.net/news/2015   The Research for Community Access Partnership (ReCAP) launched a new infographic video on «Empowering Women through Improved Access» to celebrate the International Women’s Day. The video was prepared by the Roads Research Group in Civil Engineering at the University of Birmingham in collaboration with the Partnership for Sustainable Low Carbon Transport (SLoCaT).     Empowering […]

On Video: David Hensher, BRT+ member, propose a new road pricing system

Sydney’s chronic traffic congestion results from «political neglect» and can be solved by a radical new system of charges for road usage, according to a BRT+ researcher David Hensher.     From: https://sydney.edu.au/news-opinion/news/2019/03/11/new-road-pricing-system-needed-after-years-of-political-neglect.html

José Reyes joined our team as Coordinator of the Centre

In BRT+ the role of the coordinator of the Centre is to administrate the different contracts and financing that are involved in the research projects. In addition, the coordinator must keep track of the general advances of the researches, collect the outputs and ensure that the results are disseminated. José had worked as a research […]

Event Wrap Up: BRT+ General Assembly 2019

During the last day of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) 98th Annual Meeting and before Transforming Transportation conference, in Washington, we had had our BRT+ General Assembly. Here we presented some of the main projects of the Centre during 2018 and interchanged feedback in order to improve our work this year. The meeting was held […]

New book on Bus Rapid Transit

A new book on Bus Rapid Transit with contributions from BRT+ researchers has been published: DEVELOPING BUS RAPID TRANSIT. The Value of BRT in Urban Spaces. «BRT implementation, planning, operation, performance, and impacts, from a wide range of developed and developing cities across the globe are examined in depth in this exemplary book, with contributions […]

BRT+ PhD student awarded Lee Schipper Memorial Scholarship

Jaime Soza-Parra, PhD student from PUC, Chile, who is actively collaborating with BRT+ was awarded with the “Lee Schipper Memorial Scholarship for Sustainable Transport and Energy Efficiency”. His current research aims to identify the causes and effects of public transit system reliability, with special research attention given to cities in Latin America. Jaime presented his research […]

BRT+ Students participated in a multidisciplinary course that took them to Mexico

The aim of the course was to coordinate different areas of knowledge in order to solve a complex problem in an urban setting. The problem was to revitalize an urban axis in the city of Guadalajara, Mexico, through a Transist Oriented Development aproach, known as TOD for its abbreviation. As part of this course, students […]

BRT+ General Assembly January 16th

BRT+ Centre of Excellence will have its General Assembly on Wednesday 16th, 12:30 to 5:30pm.   During the event an update of our recent research will be presented as well as our main findings. The entrance is free, just register yourself on the following link.   Location: World Resources Institute (WRI) offices, Harmon Center, 8th Floor. […]

Lake Sagaris is nominated as Remarkable Women in the field of transport

To begin 2019, the German agency GIZ notified Lake that she had been nominated as one of the Remarkable Women in the field of transport initiative that is being driven by the Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative (TUMI).  This recognition is bestowed as part of a series of publication to encourage and increase the participation of […]

Thinking Outside the Box

Surprise Surprise – Trackless Trams are in vogue with light rail supporters! by David Hensher For many years we have been trying to remove the emotional ideology in the debate on public transport where there have been clear lines drawn between those who support light rail and outwardly (passionately) reject bus rapid transit. Attempts to […]

BRT+ hosts a remarkable Workshop in Tanzania

For the first time, the BRT+ Centre of Excellence with the cooperation of the World Bank organized a Workshop gathering academics, policymakers and stakeholders of African public transport systems, in Dar es Salaam to discuss opportunities and concerns of how BRT is being implemented in African cities.   One of the goals of the BRT+ […]

Ricardo Giesen is the new Director of BRT+

We have the pleasure to announce that Professor Ricardo Giesen is our new Director. He is replacing the role of Professor Juan Carlos Muñoz who has been in charge since 2010 when BRT+ was founded. The information was confirmed after the acceptance of a letter from the dean of the School of Engineering at Pontificia […]

The Stark (and Hopeful) Facts About Bus Ridership

ORIGINAL in CityLab by Zak Accuardi  It’s not a death spiral—at least, not yet. Examples abound of how city leaders can turn the numbers around. Any frank conversation about building better bus service in American cities must address one fact at the outset: Ridership is in free fall across the country. Numbers released last month from […]

Postdoctoral Research Position in Complete Streets policy and design

The Department of Transport Engineering and Logistics (DTEL) at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, host of the BRT Centre of Excellence (www.brt.cl) and key member of the Centre for Sustainable Urban Development – CEDEUS (www.cedeus.cl), is currently looking for a post-doctorate or experienced researcher to join our research group starting around July 2018. We […]

BRT Members participate in Conference in Argentina

The Andean Development Corporation – Development Bank of Latin America has organized a new event about Infrastructure and sustainable development. In this opportunity 3 members of our Centre has presented, Darío Hidalgo, from World Resources Institute (WRI), Juan Carlos Muñoz, Director of BRT+ Centre of Excellence, and Lake Sagaris, Assistant Professor  at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile […]

Looking forward to Mobilize 2018

Our partners from the Institute for Transportation and Development (ITDP) are working hard preparing the annual sustainable transport summit, Mobilize. Meanwhile, we want to show you why you might be interested in this event and how can participate even though there are still 3 months left for the event. As you remember last year summit was held in […]

Postdoctoral Research Position in Public Transport

  The Department of Transport Engineering and Logistics (DTEL) at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, host of the BRT+ Centre of Excellence (www.brt.cl) and key member of the Centre for Sustainable Urban Developoent (www.CEDEUS.cl), is currently looking for a post doctorate to join our research group starting around June 2018. We have a number […]

Call for Paper: Special issue on developments in Mobility as a Service (MaaS) and intelligent mobility

Issued: 4 January 2018  Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice Title: Special issue on developments in Mobility as a Service (MaaS) and intelligent mobility Guest Editors: David A. Hensher and Corinne Mulley, Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies (ITLS), the University of Sydney Business School David.hensher@sydney.edu.au Corinne.mulley@sydney.edu.au We are inviting extended abstracts (up to 1000 words) on […]

South Africa needs to revamp its new public transport system

ORIGINAL: The Conversation  By Christo Venter, Associate Professor in Transport Engineering, University of Pretoria, and Gary Haye, PhD Candidate in Transportation Planning, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research   Over the past eight years the South African government has spent more than 130 billion rand on public transport projects in the country’s main cities. The projects included the refurbishment […]

3 Questions: Chris Zegras on designing your city’s transit system

  ORIGINAL: MIT News by Peter Dizikes | MIT News Office on December 8, 2017 Have you ever wanted to change your city’s public transit system? A new digital tool developed by an MIT team lets people design alterations to transit networks and estimate the resulting improvements, based on existing data from urban transit systems. The […]

Postdoctoral Research Position in Public Transport

           The Department of Transport Engineering and Logistics (DTEL) at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, host of the BRT+ Centre of Excellence (www.brt.cl), is currently looking for a post doctorate to join our research group starting around March 2018. We have a number of ongoing projects on different Public Transport […]

Challenges to Santiago's Public Transport

Cities development is a multidisciplinary problem. It involves many actors and it faces a lot of problems. There are economics, social, cultural and environmental matters to solve, so it is natural to think that the proposals may be complex. Considering that, United Nations (UN) in 2016 hosted a conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development […]

Global recognition for transport expert who has helped “shaped the way we live”

Research by economist, Professor David Hensher, the Director of the Business School’s Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies, has now been cited more than 40 thousand times in scholarly publications. The number of citations is an Australian record for an economist specialising in transport, infrastructure and logistics and reaffirms Professor Hensher’s place amongst the world’s […]

BRTData one of the Top Planning Websites

The BRTData is a project of BRT+ Center of Excellence. Since 2012  its purpose is to collect an share information about Bus Rapid Transit experience around the world. Last week was recognized as one of the Top Planning Websites by Planetizen.  Planetizn selects the ranking according to the focus of the website, its professionalism, and accessibility […]

Meet the 'Trackless train'

Source: CityLab Can We Just Call This a Bus? by LAURA BLISS New “trackless trains” out of China suggest buses by any other name could smell sweeter. It’s the shape of a swoopy modern streetcar, but it’s got rubber-shod wheels of a bus. Also, there’s no driver—it’s automated like a tram. The “trackless train” is […]

MOBILIZE Santiago 2017 moments

This year Universidad Católica de Chile hosted the second version of MOBILIZE international summit. ITDP prepared this video to capture the event. MOBILIZE Santiago 2017 Full from ITDP on Vimeo. Next year summit is in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, on June 26-28. For more information follow all updates in http://mobilizesummit.org/

How to Get More People to Ride the Bus

A driver, a transportation official, and a transit advocate explain why Seattle recently saw one of the biggest citywide increases in passenger numbers. Original: The Atlantic   Almost every major U.S. city has seen years of decline in bus ridership, but Seattle has been the exception in recent years. Between 2010 and 2014, Seattle experienced the […]

Thredbo 15: Top 10 Cited Papers

Researchers from BRT+ Center of Excellence stand out with their works in the Top 10 most cited Thredbo papers of all time. We congratulate Juan Carlos Muñoz, David Hensher and Darío Hidalgo for being part of this outstanding group. T Paper Scopus Scholar 10 Currie, G. & Wallis, I. (2008). Effective ways to grow urban […]

Event Wrap Up: General Assembly at Thredbo15

Our General Assembly this year was held on Sunday August 13, 12:00 – 16:00 at the Ragnar room, Stockholm School of Economics. We have the following attendees confirmed: Allen, Jaime (PUC) Aranda, Viviana (PUC) Balbontin, Camila (USYD) Bragdon, David (Transit Center) Clifton, Geoffrey (USYD) Currie, Graham (Monash University) Dragicevic, Marina (PUC) Galilea, Patricia (PUC) Giesen, […]

BRTData Enhances Indicators to Improve Accuracy and Comparisons

Since 2012, BRTdata.org has provided up-to-date information on bus rapid transit systems (BRTs) in more than 200 cities, from passenger data to coverage and costs. Developed in partnership with the Centre of Excellence for Bus Rapid Transit, International Energy Agency and Latin American Association of Integrated Transport Systems and Bus Rapid Transit, the site is the most comprehensive online database of […]

Congratulations Anson Stewart, new PhD from MIT

Anson Stewart has earned a PhD from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His thesis was titled Advancing Accessibility: Public Transport and Urban Space. You can check it here. Anson has been an active member within the BRT-CoE and participated in Section 2 of our book «Restructuring Public Transport through Bus Rapid Transit», in the item […]

Lake Sagaris was interviewed at Velo-City 2017

Velo-City 2017 is the annual global cycling summit, which was recently held in Arnhem and Nijmegen, the Netherlands. For four days, the conference sought to immerse the audience in the “Freedom of Cycling” through international speakers and delegates, innovative ideas and research, excursions, and workshops. Lake Sagaris, member of BRT-CoE, was speaking in the sessions ‘Wise […]

The cooperation with VREF has been prolonged for 5 more years

“After a six year-period of trustworthy collaboration with the VREF, the Centre delivered most interesting results that proved to be most useful. The successful operation has now led to a renewed cooperation funded by VREF.” These were the words from VREF web site to BRT-CoE. The vision of Volvo Research and Educational Foundations (VREF), through […]

Autonomous Cars: Placing them in Context

  David A. Hensher and John Stanley Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies The University of Sydney Business School   1 June 2017   The Roads Australia National Conference in Sydney (May 31, June 1, 2017) had a lot of presentations on autonomous cars (ACs); and despite some suggesting we should go directly to level […]

€1bn plan to increase bus patronage by 50% in Dublin by speeding up trips unveiled

A plan to increase bus patronage by 50% in Dublin through bus rapid transit and ‘next generation’ bus corridors has been unveiled by the Irish Government and the National Transport Authority. The ‘BusConnects’ programme aims to ensure that «just about everybody will be able to beat the congestion by using the bus rather than a […]

Buenos Aires integrated urban renewal project wins global transport award

Metrobus 9 de Julio project honoured at summit of transport ministers / Special mentions for iRAP road safety programme and Istanbul metro The successful inner-city renewal initiative in Buenos Aires. Argentina has been awarded the International Transport Forum’s Transport Achievement Award. The Award will be presented to the Transport Authority of Buenos Aires on 1 […]

2nd International Sustainable Transport Summit MOBILIZE

The 2nd International Sustainable Transport Summit MOBILIZE in Santiago (Chile), will be held on June 28-30th 2017. MOBILIZE is the annual sustainable transport summit of the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP), which brings together urban transport and development practitioners alongside world-class researchers to celebrate best practices and accelerate implementation of sustainable transport projects. […]

Our book was reviewed and published in JAPA

Our book called “Restructuring Public Transport through Bus Rapid Transit” was reviewed by Journal of the American Planning Association (JAPA) on January 5th, 2017. Since 1935, JAPA has published research, commentaries, and book reviews useful to practicing planners, policy makers, scholars, students, and citizens of urban, suburban, and rural areas. JAPA publishes only peer-reviewed, original […]

Meeting with WMATA: Sharing experiences

In the context of the General Assembly held on January 12th 2017 in Washington DC, a team of researchers of the BRT Center from Santiago, Chile, led by the Professor Juan Carlos Muñoz, met with the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA). This meeting was scheduled with the objective of sharing international experiences and discussing […]

Event Wrap Up: General Assembly at TRB17

  Our General Assembly this year was held on Wednesday January 12th, at the EMBARQ office at Washington DC. As in previous years, the General Assembly was proved to be a great success. We had a record audience, with almost 60 participants. Many of them were external to the Centre, providing important feedback to the […]

Our book was launched at Forum "Operational Challenges for New Alameda-Providencia, Santiago"

Original Post by Ingeniería UC Last Friday took place the Forum: «Operational challenges of buses for New Alameda-Providencia», the main street in Santiago of Chile. It was organized by the Centre of Excellence BRT and the Center for Sustainable Urban Development (CEDEUS). The appointment was at the Extension Center of Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, […]


Route plan for New Zealand’s first urban busway submitted, with a view to opening in 2021 A route and design plan for New Zealand’s first urban busway has been submitted to Auckland Council, Auckland Transport (AT) announced this week. The designated route for the busway is between Panmure to Pakuranga in Auckland’s eastern suburbs and […]

Postdoctoral Research Position in Sustainable Urban Mobility

       The Department of Transport Engineering and Logistics (DTEL) at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, host of the BRT Centre of Excellence (www.brt.cl) and key member of the Centre for Sustainable Urban Development – CEDEUS (www.cedeus.cl), is currently looking for a post doctorate or experienced researcher to join our research group starting around […]

The Myth That Everyone Naturally Prefers Trains to Buses

When you focus on what really matters—service—much of the difference actually disappears. Source: CITYLAB – By: Eric Jaffe (Febraury 23rd, 2015) Take a look at the image above. This rendering represents modern bus rapid transit service. The BRT vehicle travels in its own separate lane, free from the constraints of traffic congestion or traffic lights. […]

Yichang, China Wins 2016 Sustainable Transport Award

Source: ITDP (January 13th, 2016) New BRT system, public spaces, parking reform, cycling and pedestrian improvements win Yichang the award. Moscow, Russia and Rosario, Argentina receive honorable mention. Yichang, a mid-sized Chinese city located along the Yangtze River, the site of the Three Gorges Dam, is looking to the future with a focus on cycling, […]