Event: THREDBO 19 Conference | 13 – 17 Sep, 2026

The 19th conference of the International Conference Series on Competition and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport (The Thredbo Series) will be held on the Islands of Malta from 13 to 17 September 2026. The Thredbo conference series has garnered a formidable reputation for being the premier international forum dedicated to the analysis and debate of […]
Event: Corridors of Connection: How BRT Improves People’s Access to the City. Oct 29, 9:00am EDT

Join ITDP on October 29th at 9AM EDT for the webinar “Corridors of Connection: How BRT Improves People’s Access to the City,” and learn more about the power of Bus Rapid Transit. #BRT provides a crucial solution for some of our most pressing mobility, wellbeing, and climate challenges. Live translations will be available. Register here […]
The 2024 STA Ceremony on Wednesday, February 7: Celebrating Tianjin, China and Peshawar, Pakistan

The Sustainable Transport Award (STA) continues to recognize cities that boldly advance sustainable urban mobility solutions and outcomes that respond to the climate crisis, inequalities, and economic disparities in our cities. The STA ceremony is proud to present the 2024 winner Tianjin, China, and the honorable mention Peshawar, Pakistan. Over the past 18 months, each […]
THREDBO 18 Conference. 29 Sep – 3 Oct, 2024

The 18th conference of the International Conference Series on Competition and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport (The Thredbo Series) will be held in Cape Town, South Africa from 29 September to 3 October 2024. The Thredbo conference series has garnered a formidable reputation for being the premier international forum dedicated to the analysis and debate […]
BRT+ General Assembly 2024. Videos and presentations

The recordins of each presentation can be viewed at the links below: 09:30 Registration and welcome coffee 10:00 Welcome. Ricardo Giesen – PUC 10:05 The 2024 BRT Standard: Context, Quality, Resilience. Jacob Mason – ITDP 10:25 NDC implementation and public transport: a review of global climate action for sustainable mobility. Ben Welle – WRI 10:45 Electrifying […]
BRT+ General Assembly 2024. January 10th. 9:30am – 1:30pm

The BRT+ Centre of Excellence invites you to its General Assembly 2024. The General Assembly will be face-to-face and livestream. For registration, use the following link: https://forms.gle/GGnyXvUaGwvRaATx9 Date: January 10th Time: 09:30am – 1:30pm Place: World Resources Institute (WRI) offices, LargeConference Room, 7th floor, 10 G Street NE Suite 800, Washington, District of Columbia The admission is free of charge. Programme (EST time) 09:30 Registration […]
October 4, 9:00 EDT. From Vélib Bikes to Safer Streets – Keynote Address with the City of Paris

ITDP invites you Keynote Address from the City of Paris. The City of Paris is the 2023 Sustainable Transport Award winner. This prestigious award highlights the bold decisions and actions the city has made in the last couple of years in creating safer, greener, pedestrian and cycle-friendly streets and harnessing the power of open spaces. In […]
June 26th. 14:30 EDT. Webinar series. Toward Electric Public Transport. Authorities

We kindly invite you for a conversation on the challenges faced by electro public mobility. On June 16th we will have our first discussion session. note: this webinar will spoken in Spanish. Register on: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEkdO-prDItEtdThPGQeD3rXYPCWyQd1sdR
On April 19th 2023, at Government House in Sydney, BRT+ researcher David Hensher was invested with the Order of Australia
[From: Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies] “We are honoured to be able to share with you the magnificent news that Professor David Hensher (PhD, FASSA), the Founding Director of ITLS and a major player in transport, logistics and supply chain management over many years, has been recognised as a Member (AM) of the Order of […]
May 3, 8:00 EDT. Webinar: Bhubaneswar – How Inclusive Processes Create Better Transport Systems for All

ITDP invistes you to the first event in the 2023 STA Series celebrating the accomplishments of honorable mention Bhubaneswar, India. The City of Bhubaneswar, the 2023 Sustainable Transport Award Honorable Mention, is a major mover in green and equitable urban mobility since it opened the Mo Bus city bus service and modernized the first and last mile e-rickshaw […]
Postdoctoral Research Position in BRT+ Centre of Excellence
The Department of Transport Engineering and Logistics (DTEL) at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, host of the BRT+ Centre of Excellence (www.brt.cl) is currently looking for a post doctorate or experienced researcher to join our research. We have a number of ongoing projects on different Public Transport issues in which the successful applicant […]
April 28th. 9:00 EDT. Webinar series. Toward Electric Public Transport. Operators

We kindly invite you for a conversation on the challenges faced by electro public mobility. On April 28th we will have our first discussion session. Register on: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUrf-uqqTgiGNdksM1Zvz6VSq6Nfd_HkepM
Applications for the 2024 Sustainable Transport Award! Nominate your city by March 31, 2023

Each year, ITDP and the Sustainable Transport Award Committee select a city that has implemented innovative sustainable transportation projects in the preceding year. These strategies improve mobility for all residents, reduce transportation greenhouse and air pollution emissions, and improve safety and access for cyclists and pedestrians. The winning city and honorable mentions are celebrated at […]
BRT+ researcher David Hensher was awarded Member of the Order of Australia
[From: Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies] «We are honoured to be able to share with you the magnificent news that Professor David Hensher (PhD, FASSA), the Founding Director of ITLS and a major player in transport, logistics and supply chain management over many years, has been recognised as a Member (AM) of the Order of […]
News: Paris, France Receives the 2023 ITDP Sustainable Transport Award

[From www.staward.org] New York (January 2023) — The Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP) and the Sustainable Transport Award Committee are proud to announce Paris, France as the winner of the 2023 Sustainable Transport Award (STA). Paris will receive the award in a live broadcast ceremony held on 8 February 2023, and the City […]
Invitation: Mobilize Series. Connecting Communities Through Equitable Mobility Planning in Bogotá, Jalisco, and Peshawar. November 2nd | 10:00am EST

Date: November 2, 2022 Time: 9 AM COT, 10 AM EDT/ rebroadcast November 3rd at 3 PM EDT Description: In recent years, inclusion and equitable access have become priorities in informing the design of public spaces and public transport services. Transportation planning strategies are beginning to address the diverse roles and mobility needs of […]
Thredbo 17 Conference Sydney, Australia. 4 to 8th September, 2022.
The postponed 17th conference of the International Conference Series on Competition and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport (The Thredbo Series) will be held in Sydney, Australia from 4 to 8th September, 2022. The Thredbo conference series has garnered a formidable reputation for being the premier international forum dedicated to the analysis and debate of competition […]
BRT+ General Assembly 2022 Videos

Hi everybody, we have just uploaded the recordings of our latest General Assembly to out Youtube Channel. You can check them on following links: Challenges for Public Transport on Achieving the COP26 Targets. Part 1 – Part 2. Jim Aloisi (MIT), Cristina Albuquerque (WRI), Nour El Deeb(ITDP). Commented by Chris Zegras (MIT) World Resources Institute Global Electric […]
Juan Carlos Muñoz, BRT+ researcher and former director appointed Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications in Chile

Juan Carlos Muñoz has been appointed Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications for the upcoming government in Chile, whose governing period will begin on March 2022. The Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications is the highest authority in Chile in its area and its decisions have deep and long term impacts in investments and mobility alternatives in both, […]
BRT+ General Assembly 2022

The BRT+ Centre of Excellence invites you to its General Assembly. This year the General Assembly will be face-to-face and livestream. For registration, use the following link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/brt-2022-general-assembly-tickets-222405700437 PROGRAMME (EST time) 10:00 Welcome. Ricardo Giesen 10:05 Challenges for Public Transport on Achieving the COP26 Targets. Jim Aloisi (MIT), Cristina Albuquerque (WRI), Nour El Deeb(ITDP). Commented by Chris Zegras (MIT) 10:40 World Resources Institute Global […]
Impact of COVID-19 on travel

Jose Agustin Vallejo-Borda (PhD in Transportation, Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia) started working at BRT + COE in 2020, with the aim of addressing the impact of COVID on travel. José has been familiarized with the Centre previously while developing his doctorate studies, as well as through his participation in transport conferences, and had […]
The University of Sydney – ITLS 30th Anniversary

ORIGINAL in The University of Sydney We are very pleased to celebrate with our BRT+ partner, the Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies (ITLS), their 30th anniversary. On this occasion we share the news of how it was the celebration of this third decade of existence of the institute: After a twelve-month postponement and under the […]
Urbanism Hall of Fame: Jaime Lerner – The architect of Curitiba

ORIGINAL in TheCityFix by Dario Hidalgo This is the third entry in the Urbanism Hall of Fame series, exclusive to TheCityFix. This series is intended to inform people about the leading paradigms surrounding sustainable transport and urban planning and the thinkers behind them. By presenting their many stories, TheCityFix seeks to challenge our readers to think carefully […]
Seminar: Covid-19 impact on travel behavior [in Spanish]

Open seminar in which the results of the compartive research among South American cities will be presented. Presenters: Camila Balbontín. ITLS, University of Sydney José Vallejo-Borda. BRT+ Centre of Excellence Date: March 24th. Time: 11:00am (UCT-3) Place: Zoom. Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0sduCvpjojGdUhM9ditJ7jhE3nkY0DSBcj Important: the seminar will be held in Spanish.
Book "Urban Form and Accessibility. Social, Economic, and Environment Impacts" is edited by BRT+ researchers
1st edition of book «Urban Form and Accessibility» was launched by Corinne Muley and BRT+ researchers. Description: The growth of global urbanization places great strains on energy, transportation, housing and public spaces needs. As such, transport and land use are inextricably linked. Urban Form and Accessibility: Social, Economic, and Environment Impacts consolidates key insights from multidisciplinary perspectives on […]
UITP Webinar: Enhancing Financial Sustainability and Commercial Viability of BRTs in Sub-Saharan Africa-Factor Analysis and Assessment Tool
The International Association of Public Transport (UITP) is hosting the webinar event «Enhancing Financial Sustainability and Commercial Viability of BRTs in Sub-Saharan Africa-Factor Analysis and Assessment Tool» virtually on December 15th, 2020 at 4 PM (CET). Description: «Rapid urbanisation and urban population growth in SSA have led to the development and expansion of cities which […]
BRT+ researchers take part of Mobilize Virtual Summit 2020
Mobilize Virtual Summit 2020 and VREF Research Forum side-event are being held on October 26-30, 2020. BRT+ researchers are participating on the following dates: Tuesday at 9 EST: Christo Venter will participate on the Plenary. Tuesday at 10 EST: Ricardo Giesen will host the session Re-enchanting the People with BRT and Public Transport after COVID. Wednesday […]
BRT+ develops a research about mobility during the pandemic
BRT+ Centre is developing an international study which main goal is to identify the changes in travel behavior due to Covid-19 emergency, with a special emphazise on work trips. In addition, it intends to understand how spatial conditions in which work is performed have been modified and to evaluate the reach of work-from-home implementation. In […]
Centro BRT+ desarrolla estudio sobre movilidad en pandemia
El centro de investigación BRT+ en conjunto con Movus-Lab y Modeltran están llevando a cabo un estudio internacional que tiene como objetivo identificar los cambios en las conductas de viaje producto de la emergencia de Covid-19, particularmente en los viajes con motivo de trabajo. Asimismo, busca conocer cómo han sido modificadas las condiciones espaciales en las […]
Book "Understanding Mobility As A Service (Maas)" appeared on top-ten must reads on business, tech and transport
The book «Understanding Mobility As A Service (Maas): Past, Present And Future» by David Hensher, Corinne Mulley, Chinh Ho, Yale Wong, Göran Smith and John D. Nelson appeared on second place in the ranking «Our top ten must reads on business, tech and transport» by technology site SKEDGO. We all know the transport sector is […]
BRT+, CODS and CEDEUS hosted Webinar Series: Adapting City’s Mobility System after Covid-19
Between the months of June and July BRT+ along CODS and CEDEUS hosted Webinar Series: Adapting City’s Mobility System after Covid-19. The goal was understanding how different cities have adapted their transport system in face of the Covid-19. This webinar had 4 sessions, in which experts presented the experience of different cities, companies and agencies of […]
BRT+ Webinar Series: Adapting City’s Mobility System after Covid-19. Session 4
Sign-up here for free BRT+ is launching Webinar Series «Adapting City’s Mobility System after Covid-19». The goal is to understand how different cities have adapted their transport systems in face of the Covid-19. Session 4: Financing Public Transport will be broadcasted by Youtube on Wednesday, July 1st (Colombia 10:00 AM, Chile 11:00 AM, USA (EST) 11:00 […]
BRT+ Webinar Series: Adapting City’s Mobility System after Covid-19. Session 3
Sign-up here for free BRT+ is launching Webinar Series «Adapting City’s Mobility System after Covid-19». The goal is to understand how different cities have adapted their transport systems in face of the Covid-19, studying the case of different cities across the world. Session 3: Public Transport will be broadcasted by Zoom on Wednesday, June 17th (Colombia […]
BRT+ Webinar Series: Adapting City’s Mobility System after Covid-19. Session 2
Sign-up here for free BRT+ is launching Webinar Series «Adapting City’s Mobility System after Covid-19». The goal is to understand how different cities have adapted their transport systems in face of the Covid-19, studying the case of different cities across the world. Session 2: Freight and Last-Mile Logistics will be broadcasted by Zoom on Wednesday, […]
BRT+ Webinar Series: Adapting City's Mobility System after Covid-19
Sign-up here for free BRT+ is launching Webinar Series «Adapting City’s Mobility System after Covid-19». The goal is to understand how different cities have adapted their transport systems in face of the Covid-19, studying the case of different cities across the world. Session 1: Active Transport will be broadcasted by Zoom on Wednesday, June 10th […]
New Publication: Bus Transport – Demand, Economics, Contracting, and Policy
BRT+ researcher David Hensher from ITLS – University of Sydney published a new book on Public Transportation. Bus Transport – Demand, Economics, Contracting, and Policy This book examines in one source the most critical and current research themes of public transport relevant to regulators, planners, operators, researchers and educators. It highlights the wider economic impacts of […]
Public Transport in a Changing World and Times of Crisis
Bruno Charrade, head of International Zone at Transdev Group, gave the talk «Public Transport in a Changing World and Times of Crisis», in the context of the academic year launch of the Transport Engineering Department at PUC.
New Publication: Understanding Mobility as a Service. Past, Present and Future
BRT+ researchers David Hensher, Corinne Mulley, Chin Ho, Yale Wong, Goran Smith and John Nelson, from ITLS – University of Sydney, publish a new book on Mobility as a Service. Understanding Mobility as a Service (MaaS) – Past, Present and Future The widespread adoption of smartphones, ridesharing and carsharing have disrupted the transport sector. In cities […]
BRT+ General Assembly. January 15th. Save the date!
BRT+ Centre of Excellence invites you to its General Assembly on Wednesday, January 15th, 1:00pm to 5:30pm. The event will consist on an update of our recent research: 1:00 Light Meal 1:30 Main Finding of the BRT+ Centre 2019. Policy and results 1:30 Welcome | Ricardo Giesen 1:40 Leveraging Urban Mobility Disruptions to Create Better Cities | Natalia […]
Postdoctoral Research Position in BRT+ Centre of Excellence
The Department of Transport Engineering and Logistics (DTEL) at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, host of the BRT+ Centre of Excellence (www.brt.cl) is currently looking for a post doctorate or experienced researcher to join our research group starting around March 2020. We have a number of ongoing projects on different Public Transport issues in […]
Yale Wong on New Mobility with Government authorities and MPs
On Wednesday 31st, Yale Wong, BRT+ reasearcher from ITLS -U. of Sydney- gave a briefing to the Minister Population, Cities and Urban Infrastructur of Australia, Alan Tudgeon, on bus industry issues. Afterwards, he delivered a keynote lecture to members of parliament, senators and industry proffesionals on the changing mobility landscape and gave policy recommendations for the […]
BRT+ Researcher at Mobilize Conference, Fortaleza, Brazil
Between June 22nd and June 27th, several BRT+ researchers gathered at Mobilize Conference, which was held in Fortaleza, Brazil. Ricardo Giesen, Juan Carlos Muñoz, Lake Sagaris and Jaime Soza from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile attended the event, as well as Christo Venter, from University of Pretoria and Darío Hidalgo and Guillermo Petzhold, from WRI. […]
BRT+ / UITP / VREF New Report on how to integrate BRT
The report Transforming Cities with Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Systems – How to integrate BRT? was launched at the UITP 2019 Global Transport Summit in Stockholm, Sweden. It is co-production between UITP -the International Association of Public Transport-, the BRT+ Centre of Excellence, and VREF. The report included the collaboration of two BRT+ researchers, Ricardo […]
Mobility as a Service (MaaS) Trial in Sydney
Mobility as a Service (MaaS) is a combination of public and private transport services within a given regional environment that provides holistic, optimal and people centred travel options, to enable end-to- end journeys paid for by the user as a single charge, and which aims to achieve key public equity objectives. (Cubic definition) At […]
BRT+ researcher, Professor David Hensher, declared "industry champion"
[source: The University of Sydney Business School https://sydney.edu.au/business/news-and-events/news/2019/06/07/internationally-respected-academic-honoured-by-the-roads-industr.html ] «The Director and Founder of the Business School’s Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies (ITLS), Professor David Hensher, has been awarded the prestigious John Shaw Medal by the industry’s peak body Roads Australia. The John Shaw Medal honours an «industry champion» who is considered to have […]
BRT+ Post-Mobilize Workshop. Invited Speakers and Agenda
Integrating new mobility services into public transport. June 27th, 9:00 – 12:30 Gran Mareiro Hotel – Salão José De Alencar IV, 100 Rua Oswaldo Araújo, Fortaleza, Brazil. REGISTER HERE! Agenda 9:00 Welcome and Introduction. Ricardo Giesen, BRT+ Director 9:30 Fortaleza Shared Bikes Integration. Luiz Sabóia, Executive Secretary of Public Services, Fortaleza 10:00 Shared mobility in Goiania. Hugo Santana, Director de Trasnportes – […]
BRT+ researchers in the forum ‘Movilidad 2050: Bogotá a la altura de sus proyecciones’
During May 29th, BRT+ researchers Darío Hidalgo and Chris Zegras participated in the forum ‘Movilidad 2050: Bogotá a la altura de sus proyecciones’, in Bogotá, Colombia. The activity aimed to open a space for analysis and discussion on the current situation of mobility in Bogotá and to review the projects that seems necessary in order to […]
BRT+ Workshop: Integrating new mobility services into public transport, June 27th
The BRT+ Centre of Excellence announces its post-Mobilize Workshop: Integrating new mobility services into public transport, which aims to discuss and propose how to better integrate new mobility solutions with public transport. The event is going to be held in Fortaleza, Brazil, and is open to profesional practitioners, academics, students and general public interested in the […]
BRT+ Research Meeting at U. of Pretoria
Professor David Hensher, BRT+ researcher from U. of Sydney, visited the University of Pretoria (UP) in March as part of the ongoing collaboration between UP and ITLS Sydney as members of the BRT+ CoE. Professor Hensher spent some time with UP researchers on the planning of upcoming Stated Preference surveys that are aimed at identifying […]
U. of Sydney ITLS: Shining the spotlight on our MaaS research with Yale Wong
Yale Wong, a doctaral candidate from one of the BRT+ Centre member’s institutions showcased a video on MaaS: Mobility as a Service. Yale was selected as ‘smart mobility expert’ in this extended interview. Also, he will be presenting on iMOVE on March 27th on the theme: Digital public transport in an era of shared and […]