Event Wrap Up: General Assembly at TRB17


Our General Assembly this year was held on Wednesday January 12th, at the EMBARQ office at Washington DC. As in previous years, the General Assembly was proved to be a great success. We had a record audience, with almost 60 participants. Many of them were external to the Centre, providing important feedback to the progress reached by the research projects presented. The topics clearly showed how multidisciplinary and how geographically diverse our work has become.


This year we had the participation of Christo Venter from the Center for Transport Development of the University of Pretoria. This research Centre will become a partner institution of the BRT Centre of Excellence, while Christo will become a member of its Executive Board. This highlights the focus in Africa that will be added to the activities pursued by the Centre in the coming years.


These were the projects presented during the meeting:

Project on Next Generation of BRT in China / Implementation in Baoding city

Pablo Guarda and Juan Miguel Velásquez / Xiao Peng(PUC-WRI-CUSTReC)
Project experience in «Los Morros», Chile Juan Carlos Herrera(PUC)
Using Technology to Pilot Bus Reorganization in La Paz, Bolivia Sebastian Castellanos and Diego Canales(WRI)
CoAXs experiments in Boston with Livable Streets Christopher Zegras(MIT)
Infrastructure Project Organization: A longitudinal study of agents, coordination, and institutions Brittany Montgomery(MIT)
Improving bus speeds through tactical interventions in Santiago, Chile Juan Carlos Muñoz(PUC)
Explore whether the use of a visualization tool can encourage improvements in the urban transportation planning process in Santiago, Chile Ricardo Sánchez and Cristian Navas(PUC-MIT)
BRT’s challenges and opportunities in Africa Christo Venter(UP)
BRT’s contrasts, learnings and challenges, from the citizen’s participation perspective, in Santiago and Temuco, Chile. Lake Sagaris(PUC)
How much value uplift comes when you extend the BRT network Corinne Mulley(USyd)

This years’ participants were:

  • Alejandro Schmidt – Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • Anson Stewart – MIT
  • Brittany Montgomery – MIT
  • Camila Ramos – WRI/Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • Carolina Buneder – Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • Chris Pangilinan – Transitcenter
  • Christo Venter – University of Pretoria
  • Christopher Zegras – MIT
  • Ciro Biderman – MIT
  • Corinne Mulley – The University of Sydney
  • Cristian Lee Navas Duk – MIT
  • Daizong Liu – WRI
  • Daniel Paez – Uniandes
  • Darío Hidalgo – WRI
  • Dea Van Lierop – McGill University
  • Diego Canales – WRI
  • Faan Chen – MIT
  • Gerhard Menckhoff – World Bank
  • Gonzalo Suazo – Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • He He – MIT
  • Henrik Nolmark – VREF
  • Holger Dalkmann – WRI
  • Jacob Sacks – WRI
  • Jaehak Oh – Koti
  • Jinhua Zhao – MIT
  • Joshua Fabian – MIT
  • Juan Carlos Herrera – Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • Juan Carlos Muñoz – Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • Juan Miguel Velásquez – WRI
  • Keechoo Choi – Koti
  • Kelly Blynn, MCP – MIT
  • Lake Sagaris – Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • Laurel Paget-Seekins – Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority
  • Luis Antonio Lindau – WRI
  • Marco Priego – WRI
  • Marina Dragicevic – Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • Matías Navarro – Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • Miguel Olivares – Municipalidad de Santiago, Chile
  • Nigel Wilson – MIT
  • Pablo Guarda – UCL
  • Peiqin Gu – China Sustainable Transportation Center
  • Peter Damrosch – MIT
  • Rafael Delpiano – UAndes
  • Ricardo Giesen – Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • Ricardo Sanchez – MIT
  • Rosanna Forray – Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • Rosário Macário – Universidade de Lisboa
  • Sam Zimmerman – World Bank
  • Sebastian Castellanos – WRI
  • Sebastián Raveau – Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • Thet Hein Tun – WRI
  • Vasco Reis – Universidade de Lisboa
  • Vicente Huerta – Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • Victor Rocco – Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • Xiao PENG – CUSTReC
  • Yafei Han – MIT
  • Yongju Yi – Koti
  • Zak Accuardi – Transitcenter
  • Zhenyu LI – CUSTReC
  • Zoey Cawiezell – WRI