Transform Access – VREF 2014 Workshop

Between October 28th-30th the building of the Ford Foundation in New York hosted the 2014 Workshop of the Volvo Research and Educational Foundations. The name of the meeting was «Transforming Access, Mobility and Delivery in Cities – Turning Knowledge into Action». This Workshop gathered attendees of its 9 Centres of Excellence across five continents, together with many researchers of other international institutions.

As representatives of the BRT-CoE participated the researchers Juan Carlos Muñoz (PUC), Lake Sagaris (PUC), Chris Zegras (MIT) and the Ph.D students Margareth Gutiérrez (PUC), Anson Stewart (MIT) and Luis Filipe (IST Lisboa). Around 120 persons attended the Workshop, which included an opening by Anthony Foxx,  Secretary of Transports of USA.

NY Workshop2
Juan Carlos Muñoz


The Director of BRT-CoE, Juan Carlos Muñoz, participated in the Panel named «How to best design and implement better access in cities?». He presented his vision on how cities should evolve to achieve integrated public transport systems. Juan Carlos emphasized the importance of having metropolitan transport authorities in cities, which helps public transport to be better designed, more effectively implemented and better received by users.

Check out more details of the activities in





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