We uploaded some new videos of our current projects to our YouTube Channel. We hope you enjoy them!
These are the topics:
Development of a Framework to Measure and Model the Performance of BRT Systems ITLS
David A. Hensher
Corinne Mulley
John Stanley
Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies – The University of Sydney
Implementing BRT: Controversies, Alliances and Emergent Actors pt1
Implementing BRT: Controversies, Alliances and Emergent Actors pt2
Claudia Gutierrez (PUC)
Manuel Tironi (PUC)
Onésimo Flores (MIT)
Chrispher Zegras (MIT)
Assessment of Needs in Training and Educational Gaps
Rosário Macário
José Viegas
Instituto Superior Técnico – Universidade Técnica de Lisboa
Exploring the Complexity of Policy Design
Rosário Macário
José Viegas
Instituto Superior Técnico – Universidade Técnica de Lisboa
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