Source: Government of Western Australia
Design work has started on the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system between Ellenbrook and Bassendean train station.
Transport Minister Troy Buswell said AECOM had been awarded the $630,000 tender to develop the 15 per cent concept designs for the BRT system.
“The BRT system will provide improved journey times, enhanced bus stops/stations and strategically-located park and ride facilities. By 2031, it will serve an estimated 6,500 daily users,” Mr Buswell said.
“The BRT design will include planning for stations, integration with existing and planned land use and transport networks, park and ride facilities and bus priority treatment.
“This work will help to identify any key construction issues and any impacts the BRT may have on the broader transport network.”
The Minister said that development of the concept designs would include consultation with key stakeholders, including the Public Transport Authority, Main Roads, Department of Planning and local government.
The concept design work is expected to be completed by March 2013.
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