A simplified and practical alternative way to recognise the role of household characteristics in determining an individual’s preferences

It is common practice in choice modelling to include the socioeconomic characteristics of other members of a household in the utility expressions associated with the preferences of a particular individual. By including household descriptors, the analyst is assuming that other household members can influence the choices made by the household as if the preference weights […]

Preferences for BRT and light rail (book chapter)

Book Summary Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is commonly discussed as an affordable way for cities to build sustainable rapid transport infrastructure. This book is the first to offer an in-depth analysis of BRT, examining the opportunities it presents along with the significant challenges cities face in its implementation. A wide range of contributors bring expertise […]

Assessing corridor performance (book chapter)

Book Summary Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is commonly discussed as an affordable way for cities to build sustainable rapid transport infrastructure. This book is the first to offer an in-depth analysis of BRT, examining the opportunities it presents along with the significant challenges cities face in its implementation. A wide range of contributors bring expertise […]

The path toward integrated systems (book chapter)

Book Summary Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is commonly discussed as an affordable way for cities to build sustainable rapid transport infrastructure. This book is the first to offer an in-depth analysis of BRT, examining the opportunities it presents along with the significant challenges cities face in its implementation. A wide range of contributors bring expertise […]

Designing a BRT based network under integrated operations (book chapter)

Book Summary Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is commonly discussed as an affordable way for cities to build sustainable rapid transport infrastructure. This book is the first to offer an in-depth analysis of BRT, examining the opportunities it presents along with the significant challenges cities face in its implementation. A wide range of contributors bring expertise […]

Global overview of BRT and bus corridors (book chapter)

Book Summary Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is commonly discussed as an affordable way for cities to build sustainable rapid transport infrastructure. This book is the first to offer an in-depth analysis of BRT, examining the opportunities it presents along with the significant challenges cities face in its implementation. A wide range of contributors bring expertise […]

Institutional design and regulatory frameworks (book chapter)

Book Summary Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is commonly discussed as an affordable way for cities to build sustainable rapid transport infrastructure. This book is the first to offer an in-depth analysis of BRT, examining the opportunities it presents along with the significant challenges cities face in its implementation. A wide range of contributors bring expertise […]

Looking forward (book chapter)

Book Summary Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is commonly discussed as an affordable way for cities to build sustainable rapid transport infrastructure. This book is the first to offer an in-depth analysis of BRT, examining the opportunities it presents along with the significant challenges cities face in its implementation. A wide range of contributors bring expertise […]

The promise of BRT (book chapter)

Book Summary Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is commonly discussed as an affordable way for cities to build sustainable rapid transport infrastructure. This book is the first to offer an in-depth analysis of BRT, examining the opportunities it presents along with the significant challenges cities face in its implementation. A wide range of contributors bring expertise […]

Conflict over public space (book chapter)

Book Summary Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is commonly discussed as an affordable way for cities to build sustainable rapid transport infrastructure. This book is the first to offer an in-depth analysis of BRT, examining the opportunities it presents along with the significant challenges cities face in its implementation. A wide range of contributors bring expertise […]

User preferences and route choice (book chapter)

Book Summary Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is commonly discussed as an affordable way for cities to build sustainable rapid transport infrastructure. This book is the first to offer an in-depth analysis of BRT, examining the opportunities it presents along with the significant challenges cities face in its implementation. A wide range of contributors bring expertise […]

Strategic participation for change (book chapter)

Book Summary Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is commonly discussed as an affordable way for cities to build sustainable rapid transport infrastructure. This book is the first to offer an in-depth analysis of BRT, examining the opportunities it presents along with the significant challenges cities face in its implementation. A wide range of contributors bring expertise […]

Opportunities provided by automated data collection systems (book chapter)

Book Summary Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is commonly discussed as an affordable way for cities to build sustainable rapid transport infrastructure. This book is the first to offer an in-depth analysis of BRT, examining the opportunities it presents along with the significant challenges cities face in its implementation. A wide range of contributors bring expertise […]

Inertia and shock effects on mode choice panel data: implications of the Transantiago implementation

The mode choice process, especially in the case of commuter trips, reflects the strong tendency people have to simplify the assessment of their options when confronted with successive wellknown decisions. Thus, it is common to repeat the “habitual” choice over time involving a potentially important inertia element. However, while inertia effects increase the probability of maintaining the same choice […]

Designing BRT oriented development (book chapter)

Book Summary Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is commonly discussed as an affordable way for cities to build sustainable rapid transport infrastructure. This book is the first to offer an in-depth analysis of BRT, examining the opportunities it presents along with the significant challenges cities face in its implementation. A wide range of contributors bring expertise […]

Passenger information systems (book chapter)

Book Summary Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is commonly discussed as an affordable way for cities to build sustainable rapid transport infrastructure. This book is the first to offer an in-depth analysis of BRT, examining the opportunities it presents along with the significant challenges cities face in its implementation. A wide range of contributors bring expertise […]

Valuing crowding in public transport systems using mixed SP/RP data: the case of Santiago

Abstract This paper presents the valuation of comfort in public transportation using mixed Stated Preferences (SP) and Revealed Preferences (RP) data. In this case, comfort is measured mainly as the level of crowding in the vehicles (bus or train) using the in-vehicle passenger density (pax/m2 ). To value comfort we use a stated preference survey […]

Integrated Real-Time Transit Signal Priority Control for High-Frequency Transit Service.

Abstract Bus bunching affects transit operations by increasing passenger waiting time and variability. To tackle this phenomenon, a wide range of control strategies has been proposed. However, none of them have considered station and interstation control together. In this study station and interstation control were tackled to determine the optimal vehicle control strategy for various […]

Analysis of Real-Time Control Strategies in a Corridor with Multiple Bus Services

Abstract Control strategies have been widely used in the literature to counteract the effects of bus bunching in passenger‘s waiting times and its variability. These strategies have only been studied for the case of a single bus line in a corridor. However, in many real cases this assumption does not hold. Indeed, there are many […]

Understanding the Relationship between Voting Preferences for Public Transport and Perceptions and Preferences for Bus Rapid Transit versus Light Rail

Abstract This paper provides evidence on the key perceived barriers that mitigate against support for BRT in the presence of LRT options. We develop best–worst preference experiments, one associated with design characteristics, another with service descriptions associated with BRT and LRT, and an experiment that focuses on voting preferences more generally. The focus of this paper is establishing a […]

Generation Heuristics for Zonal Express Services

Abstract A methodology is presented for designing zonal services for a bus corridor, in which buses visit all stops in a route’s initial and final segments, skipping all stops in between. Two heuristics are described, one for congested (binding capacity) and other for uncongested cases. An experiment on a bidirectional corridor shows that the heuristics […]

CoAXs: interactive mapping for measuring and communicating transit’s accessibility impacts to support co-creative planning

Abstract When evaluating transport projects, accessibility measures provide insights into the potential for wider economic benefits that may accrue through agglomeration effects; these measures are recognized as a way to connect land use and transportation planning. Similarly, emerging evidence suggests that accessibility measures can effectively connect complex technical analyses with narratives more easily understood and […]

Ridership Response to Incremental Bus Rapid Transit Upgrades in North America: Demographic and Network Effects.

This paper explores ridership increases in response to incrementally upgraded bus services in U.S. and Canadian cities. Current guidelines for developing bus rapid transit (BRT) corridors reveal a tension between comprehensive implementation of full-fledged corridors on the one hand and incremental, flexible development on the other. A review of the literature discusses this tension, various […]

Trunk and feeder services regulation: Lessons from South American case

Abstract Many cities in the developing world are engaged in efforts to reconfigure their public transport systems and improve qualities of service. With some notable South American exceptions, a characteristic shared by these cities is heavy reliance on paratransit services, which are often poorly regulated and operated as informal businesses. Current projects and initiatives aimed […]

Transport Planning (book chapter)

Book’s Abstract This Handbook provides comprehensive coverage of all of the major factors that underpin our understanding of urban and transport planning in the developed world. Combining urban and transport planning in one volume, the chapters present the state of the art as well as new research and directions for the future. It is an […]

What is behind fare evasion in urban bus systems? An econometric approach.

Fare evasion is a problem in many public transport systems around the world and policies to reduce it are generally aimed at improving control and increasing fines. We use an econometric approach to attempt explaining the high levels of evasion in Santiago, Chile, and guide public policy formulation to reduce this problem. In particular, a […]