Source: EMBARQ Brasil
September and October 2011 Highlights
Several recommendations to improve operational performance of planned BRT corridors in the city center of Belo Horizonte were delivered to BHTrans. Results came from simulations that replicated current project design and operational rules of the BRT corridors that will reach the city center in 2013. BHTrans is analyzing the recommendations.
CET-Rio, the traffic agency in Rio that is also in charge of road safety, praised the EMBARQ Brasil road safety audit work. In the words of CET-Rio ´s senior analyst Dr. Eng Henrique Torres, “the importance of road safety auditing of Transcarioca corridor is unquestionable. It is the first time that such procedure is conducted for urban transport projects in Rio; by anticipating problems, crashes and deaths will be avoided”. EMBARQ Brasil pioneer work on road safety in Rio and Brazil is starting to break paradigms.
Road safety inspections in São Paulo and Porto Alegre were completed. In São Paulo, the inspection was conducted along the 10 kilometers of the Santo Amaro/Nove de Julho busway. In Porto Alegre, 35 blackspots of the 7 main busways were inspected. Carsten Wass worked with the support of EMBARQ Brasil road safety team. Final reports with recommendations should be delivered in December.
BRT Brasil, a BRT coalition is set to qualify the next generation of BRT projects. NTU, the national association of urban bus operators, invited EMBARQ Brasil to join a BRT coalition. BRT Brasil, idealized by NTU, is also formed by ANTP, IEMA and the forum of cities´ secretaries for urban mobility. BRT will be the backbone of the urban mobility projects of the next federal package of investments aimed to cities between 300,000 and 700,000 inhabitants.
Toni Lindau was invited to participate of Sustentável 2011 in Rio, an event dedicated to consolidate the Brazilian version for the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) “Vision 2050 report”. Further to T. Lindau criticism of the Vision 2050 report, highlighting its inadequacy to the prevailing Brazilian urban mobility reality, he was invited by Mariana Meirelles, the deputy director of the Brazilian Business Council for Sustainable Development – CEBDS – to participate of a high level committee that will review Vision 2050 report. The aim of Vision 2050 is to rethink the roles that business must play over the next few decades to enable society to move toward being sustainable. This endeavor has resulted in a call to action that aims to encourage companies to reinvent themselves, their products and services to get where they and society want to be.
Toni Lindau mediated a BRT session dedicated to international BRT experiences at the 18° National Conference for Traffic and Public Transportation in Rio. The session convened an attendance of 200 people including national & international experts and Brazilian decision makers (operators and public authorities). Part of the discussions was dedicated to understanding the limiting performance of the Transmilenio system in Bogota, currently the highest bus capacity in the world. EMBARQ Brasil is supporting the development of the concept for Rio´s TransBrasil BRT corridor that will have demands close to Transmilenio.
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