Between the months of June and July BRT+ along CODS and CEDEUS hosted Webinar Series: Adapting City’s Mobility System after Covid-19. The goal was understanding how different cities have adapted their transport system in face of the Covid-19.

This webinar had 4 sessions, in which experts presented the experience of different cities, companies and agencies of the world addressing the health crisis. Issues covered include measures related to active transport, supply chain logistics, public transport and funding in a post-pandemic scenario.
Click in the following links to watch any session.
First Session. Active Transport.
- Esther Anaya (Imperial College London): Barcelona’s Active Mobility Covid-19 Response
- Tom Cohen (University of Westminster): Case Study – London, UK
- Darío Hidalgo (WRI, Despacio): Sustainable Mobility – Future post Covid-19?
Second Session. Freight and Last-Mile Logistics.
- Tomás Muñoz (Cornershop): Cornershop strategies in response to Covid-19
- Laetitia Dablanc (Univeristé Gustave Eiffel): Paris freight mobility system after Covid-19
- Aaron Nichols (Technische Universität München): E-Scooter Travel Behavior and Covid-19 in Munich
Third Session. Public Transport.
- James Aloisi (MIT): Case Study – Boston and San Francisco
- Christo Venter (University of Pretoria): The case of Tshwane/Johannesburg
- Guillermo Petzhold (WRI): Porto Alegre actions in face of Covid-19
Fourth Session. Financing Public Transport.
- Juan Pablo Bocarejo (Uniandes): La movilidad post COVID-19
- Carolina Simonetti (Ministerio de Transporte y Telecomunicaciones, Chile): Qué podemos esperar del transporte público
- Rodrigo Díaz (Secretaría de Movilidad, México): Política pública de la Ciudad de México en materia de movilidad, adaptaciones y lecciones
- Karisa Ribeiro (BID): Desafíos y Oportunidades en el contexto del COVID-19