Brendan Finn visit to Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile

The PUC team received the visit of Brendan Finn the last week of March. Brendan Finn is a Civil Engineer with M.Sc. In Transport Engineering and Operations. He has worked for more than 30 years in the public transport sector, first with the public bus company in Dublin, Ireland, and since 1993 as an independent transport consultant. He specializes in public transport organization and operations, with particular interest in institutional and regulatory frameworks, operations management, BRT and ITS. He is currently working on BRT projects in Ghana and Philippines, and was co-editor of the EU COST Action Report on Buses with High Level Service (BHLS).
During his visit, he worked with the members of our Centre of Excellence, and also had the chance to present two seminars:
BHLS– Bus with High Level of Service: results on a study of BHLS in Europe.
Download presentation here
Organization and Regulation of Bus Transport – International Experience: comparative international study about:
– Roles and functions of passenger transport authorities
– Forms of regulation and market access
– Options for passenger transport institutions
Download presentation here

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