Buenos Aires Bus Rapid Transit line takes shape

Source: ITDP
Photo: Lope de Vega Station
Buenos Aires residents are counting down the days until the first Bus Rapid Transit line in Buenos Aires, indeed in all of Argentina, opens for business. ITDP has provided technical assistance to the Government of the City of Buenos Aires and served as the leader of a team of experts.
The first line was originally slated to open in 2010 but the system planners wanted to construct additional infrastructure to prevent flooding in case of major storms. The system now appears to be on schedule for May 2011. Stations and dedicated running ways are rising along the 12 km corridor, that will connect opposite ends of the city, linking two major train stations and two subway lines.
The fully accessible, 21 station system is expected to cut travel time by 40%, providing a faster, smoother and more comfortable ride for the anticipated 100,000 daily users.
As opening day for Line One draws closer, ITDP continues to work as part of a group, which includes LOGIT, GSD+ and IRV and is financed by the Corporación Andina de Fomento (CAF), on data collection and planning for lines two and three.
Learn more about Metrobus in Buenos Aires.
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