+ Education

We provide most of the materials we develop freely online, to encourage the education in transit problems and key aspects of BRT planning and design. It is made available via videos, presentation slides and papers that you can discover browsing the website. In this section, more didactic and special material is displayed to support teaching and training for regular and long-life learning.

BRTOD website
This website summarizes the BRT Oriented Developent projects proposed during a course in Fall 2013 by graduate students of MIT and PUC in both Boston and Santiago. Cross-disciplinary teams of architects, designers, engineers and planners sought to expand thinking about BRT considering its potential not only as a mode of transportation, but also as a mechanism for driving innovations in urban design, development, and governance.

SimBRT simulation tool
WRI and the Centre developed this tool for assessing BRT projects and test solution proposals before they are implemented. You can get more information and the contact here.

Bus Bunching Game
This educational tool teaches about the bunching phenomenon and the difficulties to control a bus line based only on local decisions. The challenge is to control headway regularity, critical to many bus and transport systems in cities around the world. This useful game will be soon available to the public.

Bus Express-Services Simulator

The purpose of this App is to generate a debate about the measures to undertake in order to supply a reliable public transport service. Based on simulated values, each participating team have to decide the measures to take for each upcoming period.

Play it on this site!