BRT+ General Assembly 2024. Videos and presentations

The recordins of each presentation can be viewed at the links below:


09:30 Registration and welcome coffee

10:00 Welcome. Ricardo Giesen – PUC

10:05 The 2024 BRT Standard: Context, Quality, Resilience. Jacob Mason – ITDP

10:25 NDC implementation and public transport: a review of global climate action for sustainable mobility. Ben Welle – WRI

10:45 Electrifying the paratransit sector: Assessing feasibility through simulation. Christo Venter – U. Pretoria

11:05 Chicago Transit Rider Interviews: Lived Experiences, Equity, and Paths for Reparative Planning. Anson Stewart – MIT

11:25 Break

11:50 Gender, Social Equity, and E-Buses. Sarah Cassius – WRI

12:10 Giving voice to women in public transport. Keiko Porath – PUC

12:30 Mobility justice work. Chris Zegras – MIT

12:50 Universal accessibility in transport in developing countries. Patricia Galilea – PUC

13:10 Final Discussion

13:30 End

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